Highlights & Struggles
COVID-19 Outbreak
The COVID-19 outbreak rocked everyone's world, and in the good way. At the end of the robotics season last year (2019-20), our season was cut short. We were able to attend the Utah Regionals, where our team took 13th place and won the Chairman's Award, qualifying us for the Nationals in Houston, Texas. However, thereafter, all other competitions were cancelled, including Nationals. It was a huge bummer but we are psyched to be back in action and able to practice robotics. This year is different and harder than what we are used to with the restrictions and regulations, but if we get to work, we are happy.
The Change in Game
Due to COVID-19 restrictions this year, the FRC game has changed a little bit. Instead of the Utah, Colorado, and Texas competitions, we are doing much of our competition from our home. The game stays as Infinite Recharge, so it's the same robot. Except this year, our team's first challenge is to create a game to submit that we would want to play in a competition. Our next challenge is the Infinite Recharge challenge (?). The last challenge is actually mostly for our business team. The team has to find a real world problem, create a plan and find a solution.